ISG INSIGHTS: Networks - The Foundation & Enabler
Date & Time
Thursday, June 15, 2023, 1:35 PM - 1:50 PM
Dave Muller

Network is the foundation and enabler for all enterprise solutions, be it cloud, collaboration tools, IoT, big data analytics and others. While cloud transformation initiatives seem to be top priority for most organizations, without a reliable and secure network, the best laid plans for multi-cloud and hybrid cloud deployments can fail. Here, we discuss the critical role of networks in enterprise transformation initiatives. SD-WAN, NFV, SASE and 5G technologies are re-defining the way enterprises think of networks and its interconnectedness with cloud and security. Together, we will assess the market impact of these technology trends on transformation initiatives, as we’ve experienced first-hand in our client engagements. 

Location Name
Salon III
Full Address
The Ritz-Carlton, Washington, D.C.
1150 22nd St NW
Washington, DC 20037
United States
Virtual Session Link
Session Type
ISG Insights